Friday, 20 May 2011

arnold newman

arnold newman. artwork: Arnold Newman
  • artwork: Arnold Newman

  • iApples
    May 1, 11:51 PM
    Does this mean the US is going to stop pumping their oil? Or was that not part of the deal? ...

    arnold newman. Getty Images/Arnold Newman
  • Getty Images/Arnold Newman

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 10:32 PM
    Why, my friend, by "the iPod is Apple's cash cow", you imply that there is only one cash cow. But if you want to use the traditional definition (*&Query=cash+cow) of "cash cow", "a project that generates a continuous flow of money," then the Mac would be more of a cash cow than the iPod, because it has always represented a larger proportion of Apple's profits and revenues. Not once has the iPod represented more of Apple's revenues. So the Mac generates a larger continuous flow of money.

    Not sure what set of rules of logic you are using, but either way you are wrong. The Mac is still more important to Apple's bottom line than the iPod. Apple is also innovating more on the Mac than with the iPod.

    By the way, you might want to look up the definition of the word "emotional" as well. I'm using facts, you're making things up.

    Listen, it's quite simple: For over 25 years Apple was a maker of almost exclusively personal computers and software. Five years ago, they introduced the iPod, followed by the music store (and now video, etc.). All of a sudden - within a period of only five years - iPod and music/video related sales account for almost half of their profit, and soon - by many estimates - will account for at least a full half (and possibly more).

    Now, do you think that Apple considers the iPod and the iTunes Music Store a cash cow? Hmmm... :rolleyes:

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman, Marilyn Monroe
  • Arnold Newman, Marilyn Monroe

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 02:20 AM
    Dude, you're thinking too much... There should be very little difference between two white iphones as well as two black iphones since they're made exactly the same.

    There is very little difference between the two masses. 2.4mg difference. That is less than 2% of 140g.

    It is not a matter of "thinking too much" about it but a matter of simply "thinking" about it.

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman / Getty Images
  • Arnold Newman / Getty Images

  • iTravis
    Apr 26, 12:54 PM
    Well that definitely counts me out as a potential user. (Yes i'm cheap)

    I bet you're one of the users who has over 50GB of music too, right? :rolleyes:

    Sorry everything isn't free. If $20/Year is "too much" for some, maybe you guys should rethink having the internet or a cell phone as well.

    As for me this is a great deal! Regardless if it's $20/year or free I'll still use the service. And hopefully iTunes syncs better/faster. . . but I digress.


    arnold newman. 69 Arnold Newman (American,
  • 69 Arnold Newman (American,

  • ender78
    Oct 18, 05:13 PM
    I'm thinking the same thing. Can anyone find the appropriate quote from, say, last year's MWSF? I know i've been waiting since then for the exciting new products he promised: intel conversions don't count, nor do new casings and better batteries for iPods. The MacBook counts as a new product and the sales achieved by it could put it into the exciting category. iTV may fit but it's not coming out til next year. So what did Steve promise for 06? And what fits that bill?

    We'll lets see, we're looking at significant performance upgrades for the same $$$ as well as a successful transition [lets give Apple credit where credit it due]. Apple may have added about a million new Mac users this quarter [that is a significant number]. I have friends who would NEVER has considered Macs in the past coming to me for advice on their next purchase.

    The iTV, and especially the iPhone could be breakout products. I am anxiously anticipating both.

    arnold newman. copyright, Arnold Newman
  • copyright, Arnold Newman

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 11:08 AM
    Cool what down ? Are you proposing my post was made out of anger ? Written text has no emotionality.

    Then it has no meaning.

    Honestly, that's a very stupid thing you said.

    It is possible indeed, hence why I'm asking for citations to what someone posted as fact, rather than as a possibility. Citation to support the fact still has not been provided.

    He did provide citation for the same; the engadget article.
    But due to its inception being an Engadget based article, I wouldn't base any conclusions on that.

    But yes, he did cite the argument.


    arnold newman. —Photo by Arnold Newman/Getty
  • —Photo by Arnold Newman/Getty

  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 08:39 PM
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

    ????? When did this happen? You do realize that 99% of consumers don't follow this stuff that close and have no idea when products are released.

    arnold newman. 分享兩位人像大師~Arnold Newman
  • 分享兩位人像大師~Arnold Newman

  • MrZebra
    Apr 18, 01:56 AM
    Is the reset you're referring to is in Settings - General -Reset - Reset all settings? Will it erase the sms/messages or email accounts setting?


    All of the preferences you have set on the iPhone will be set back to factory default, but your data and media will still remain on the device.


    arnold newman. MAESTRI middot; DELLA FOTOGRAFIA

  • Andrew K.
    Sep 12, 08:49 PM
    I needed a new backpack for my macbook and my books for school. It holds a lot more than I thought it would!

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman#39;s portraits
  • Arnold Newman#39;s portraits

  • celticpride678
    Apr 15, 08:51 PM
    Hmmm. Can't get iPad updated, says that not compatible with the build.

    Nice. :confused:

    Too tired to even troubleshoot longer.
    But for anyone who wants to give me a tip.

    I restarted both iPad and iMac.
    Deleted and Re downloaded ipsw
    Hard reset iPad
    No dice. Never JB btw.

    Is iTunes up-to-date?


    arnold newman. update of Arnold Newman#39;s
  • update of Arnold Newman#39;s

  • pmz
    Mar 30, 09:07 AM
    WWDC has always been a software conference, the hardware you see on the 1st day are for the consumers (and fanboys), the remaining days are always software focused ... Thats why its from 6th-10th :rolleyes: ... don't get it twisted, not every developer desires the new releases of hardware at every wwdc.

    Apple is at the core a software company.

    Yea ok. The new iPhone is the highlight EVERY year, and will be again this year. Fanboy my ass, it's the highlight of the event, everyone knows it, and if wwdc comes and goes without even of mention of new iPhone hardware, APPL is going to take a dive.

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman and Paul
  • Arnold Newman and Paul

  • Mac Marc
    Apr 25, 12:29 PM
    In the past, Apple has offered a discount on an impending OS release if you buy a new Mac (but wait for the announcement or ask at the Apple Store).

    Do you guys think there will there be another refresh with Lion pre-loaded this summer?


    arnold newman. Max Ernst by Arnold Newman,
  • Max Ernst by Arnold Newman,

  • ScottWebb
    Apr 6, 10:40 AM


    arnold newman. Arnold Newman | American Icons
  • Arnold Newman | American Icons

  • notabadname
    Apr 28, 11:06 AM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    Ha, ha . . . As if I should be embarrassed about losing a bar fight against 20 people.

    Name any single Android phone model that has out-sold the iPhone 4.


    arnold newman. Gardner — Arnold Newman,
  • Gardner — Arnold Newman,

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 11:46 AM
    Android is *unstoppable.

    *when it's the only game in town

    Let's get the iPhone on Sprint and T-Mobile and see how things shake out, hmm?

    arnold newman. Environmental portrait
  • Environmental portrait

  • ULFoaf
    Apr 12, 12:55 PM
    There was a recent announcement by Sony saying their deliveries to Apple for an 8MP camera would be delayed due to conditions in Japan. I've read other articles suggesting other iPhone components may be in short supply.

    The disaster in Japan may have an impact on their release schedule. It might have been tight before, then the earthquake killed it.


    arnold newman. (Photo by Arnold Newman/Getty
  • (Photo by Arnold Newman/Getty

  • ucfgrad93
    Feb 28, 01:53 PM
    More Charlie Sheen cats here ( and here. (

    Thanks for the links! They were pretty funny. Here is my favorite.

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman (3 March 1918,
  • Arnold Newman (3 March 1918,

  • mrelwood
    Apr 14, 10:07 AM
    I think you are all wrong. On the BMW model names "ix" stands for a fuel injection engine and four-wheel drive. I believe there is an OS M coming for certain BMW models.

    arnold newman. Arnold Newman
  • Arnold Newman

  • French iPod
    Nov 3, 06:36 PM
    Would quite love this to keep me occupied on the cold nights at uni now.

    I would also love a bridge camera of some sort too.

    omg i want that set so much:)!! i hope they have some on Amazon=)!!

    well since i bought my christmas gift early (my ps3)!! well i was thinking to get one of the MIDI Keyboard Controller (M-Audio Oxygen 49 Key's) and Logic Express 9:apple: since i'm going travelling alot for the holiday seasons i need to play some music too and my current keyboard is way too big

    Apr 28, 10:30 AM
    It is interesting to see the 3Gs doing so well. Too bad Apple doesn't make a "light version" of iOS for it so it's snappier again. It was a good phone and for many consumers at $49 or maybe even free someday a great entry level smart phone.

    Apr 23, 06:52 PM
    Staff should have intervened, and taken the victim to safety. This would have prevented the second episode, which lead to victim fitting.

    Looks like serious professional failures there. There should have been someone who is first-aid trained there to deal with the casualty fitting.

    I'd say that all present staff undergo mandatory retraining.

    From McD:

    We strongly condemn the videotaped assault in one of our Baltimore franchised restaurants.
    There's no room for violence under the Golden Arches.
    Appropriate action regarding other employees will take place as warranted.
    Action has been taken, and the crew member who made the video is no longer employed by this organization.
    First and foremost, our thoughts are with the victim during this time.
    The incident in Baltimore is sad and reprehensible. We are doing everything possible to make sure the right thing will be done.
    We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling.
    We are aware of the incident in Baltimore and are working with local police in their criminal investigation.

    Oct 20, 10:14 PM
    Looks like 45 mins is more realistic. These chips seems as fast as i920, Impressive.

    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    My upload is better, but my download is the same.

    I've had instances in which my download was 650kbps and my upload has been 1200kbps. It's been all over the board, but I'm still happy with it. Did you just install the new update?

    Apr 29, 03:18 PM
    This would be awesome if I bought music at 256 kbps but I download LOSSLESS! When are digital retailers going to offer LOSSLESS?

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